Common daisy
(Bellis parennis L.) The common daisy is a plant of the genus Bellis that includes about 15 species belonging to the aster family (Asteraceae). It is a perennial plant found in Europe and West Asia, brought to North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand.In Poland, daisies commonly grow on meadows, pastures and roadsides, and their decorative varieties are grown in gardens. The common daisy is also called the English daisy, and its folk names are lawn daisy, bruisewort or woundwort.

Who does not recognise the small, colourful flowers of the common daisy?
Daisies are small perennial plants that grow to 4-20 cm tall. They produce ground-based florets composed of bladed, usually serrated leaves, and the flower heads develop on a leafless, fine stem. The characteristic of this species is its flower head, which closes at night and in humid weather. Common daisies bloom from March to November, delighting our eyes with the variety of colours and shapes of their flowers.
What are the secrets of the common daisy?
The raw material is the common daisy flower; although it looks rather unimpressive, it hides many valuable substances. The flowers contain saponins, tannins, flavonoids, and organic acids, mucus, oil and significant amounts of mineral salts.
Common daisy flowers have been known in traditional European medicine since the Middle Ages.
They were often administered orally as an expectorant for upper respiratory tract diseases because the flower decoctions stimulate the production of bronchial mucus. They also increase the daily volume of urine and improve the effective removal of harmful metabolic products from the body. The common daisy also improves liver function and has a general tonic effect, so in folk medicine, it was used as a ‘blood cleansing’ agent.
Daisy flower extracts have a wide range of uses.
When applied externally, common daisy flower extracts accelerate wound healing and reduce swelling after bumps or injuries. They also seal the capillary walls. It is common to use products containing daisy extracts as they improve the condition and mobility of joints and reduce pain and exudate.
Common daisy flowers have extraordinary power in skincare.
Their polyphenol components naturally inhibit melanin production, reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin and gently lighten the complexion. The floral extract contains a high concentration of exfoliating acids and is very rich in malic and tartaric acid, which greatly helps to naturally regenerate the cells. The extract of common daisy flowers is particularly recommended for sensitive skin types and can be used to prevent pigmentation and damage caused by the sun. Natural antioxidants slow the skin ageing process, affecting its firmness and elasticity. In addition, the common daisy alleviates swelling and bruises, so it is often used in products for acne skin and skin with dilated blood vessels. Common daisies have been used as an ingredient in products with astringent, soothing and regenerative effects, especially in creams and masks.
The common daisy and its various names
The name of the genus is believed to come from the Latin word bellus - nice, while others think it comes from the word bello, which is a Latin term for war. It is supposed to refer to the use of the plant in wound dressing and to the fact that daisies grew on most battlefields. Finally, the name may come from the name of the Celtic god of the sun, Belenos, and refers to the tendency of the plant to open only during sunlight hours.